There is an unprecedented outpouring of the Spirit of Grace and Supplication upon the whole Earth, more than any other time in history, there is a worldwide revival of prayer. Prayer Movements are being birthed all over the world, almost every day! This we believe will ALL culminate/head up in the LORD’s Global House of Prayer preserving the breath of and giving direction to ALL Nations. The emphasis of TGAW is on the Isaiah 19 Highway Nations: a blessing in the earth (Isaiah 19:19-25) . . . These include Israel, the Arab nations, parts of Armenia & Cyprus and of course Africa (Egypt of Isaiah’s day) – that is the land of the Nile, which stretches from the border of Rwanda/Burundi/DRC to the delta in Alexandria in present day Egypt.
The Global Altar Watch [TGAW] assignment, we believe, is God calling for the Sons of the Kingdom (Matthew 13:38) to arise to possess the Gates of the Society and rewrite the story of: