About Us

About Us

There is an unprecedented outpouring of the Spirit of Grace and Supplication upon the whole Earth, more than any other time in history, there is a worldwide revival of prayer. Prayer Movements are being birthed all over the world, almost every day! This we believe will ALL culminate/head up in the LORD’s Global House of Prayer preserving the breath of and giving direction to ALL Nations. The emphasis of TGAW is on the Isaiah 19 Highway Nations: a blessing in the earth (Isaiah 19:19-25) . . . These include Israel, the Arab nations, parts of Armenia & Cyprus and of course Africa (Egypt of Isaiah’s day) – that is the land of the Nile, which stretches from the border of Rwanda/Burundi/DRC to the delta in Alexandria in present day Egypt.

The Global Altar Watch [TGAW] assignment, we believe, is God calling for the Sons of the Kingdom (Matthew 13:38) to arise to possess the Gates of the Society and rewrite the story of:

The Family Structures & Systems
Mindsets, Dispositions, Worldviews, Perceptions & Relational Skills
Governments, Governance & Leadership
Economies & Development Policies/Projects
Education, Training & Development Systems
Scientific & Technological Advancement Systems
The Media of Communication Landscape
The Arts, Sports & Cultural Development Programs & Processes

Our Vision

A Global Team of Kingdom Leaders who embody and implement Divine Blueprints for Global Transformation.

Our Mission

Network with kingdom-minded leaders who collaborate to build capacity for transformational change in the key spheres of society.

Our Core Values

1. Excellence
2. Servant Leadership
3. Integrity
4. Creativity
5. Teamwork

Global Cordinator

Abu Bako

1. Africa North Coordinator

Philip Wissa Rafaat Gendy

2. Africa South Coordinator

Eugenia Kula-Ameyaw

3. Africa East Coordinator

John Magangi & Margaret Adoul

4. Africa West Coordinator

Michael Adeyemi Adefarasin Victor Benewoe

5. Asia Coordinator

Christiane Adevolande

6. Europe Coordinator

Juerg Loeliger

7. North America Coordinator

Alvin Nicholson Billie Sue Landers

8. Oceania-Pacific Coordinator

Teng Khoo